Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
January 13 - January 18, 1985
Organizer: George Sperling


Sunday, January 13: 6:30 pm *** Reception ***

7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Low-Level Processes (Gary Blasdel, Chair)

8:30 pm - 9:30 pm High-Level Processes (Ken Paap, Chair)

Gary Blasdel, U. Pittsburgh. Voltage Sensitive Dyes in Striate Cortex.
George Gescheider, Hamilton College. Somatosensory Information Processing Channels.
Tannis MacBeth Williams, U. British Columbia. Television and Cognitive Development.
Ken Paap, New Mexico State U. Cognitive Structures as a Guide to Software Engineering.

Monday, January 14: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Cognition (Peggy Intons-Peterson, Chair); Color Vision (John Krauskopf, Chair)

Peggy Intons-Peterson, Indiana U. On the Importance of Internal and External Memory Aids.
Tim McNamara, Vanderbilt U. Representing Spatial Relations.
James Cutting, Cornell U. On How to Tell Where You Are Going.
Dick Olson, U. Colorado. Cognitive Profiles in Dyslexia.
John Krauskopf, Bell Labs. Color Vision.
Larry Maloney, Stanford U. A Computational Theory of Color Constancy.

Tuesday, January 15: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Computational Vision I (Alex Pentland, Chair)

John Kender, Columbia U. Complexity of Low-Level Vision.
Azriel Rosenfeld, U. Maryland. Multiscale Representations.
Bob Hummel, NYU. Relaxation on a Pyramid.
Terry Sejnowski, Johns Hopkins U. Separating Figure from Ground.
Slava Prazdny, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research Center. Tracking Stereo Disparity.
Richard Szeliski, Carnegie-Mellon U. Solving Random Dot Stereograms with Stochastic Relaxation.

** Brief Business Meeting **

Wednesday, January 16: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Computational Vision II (Azriel Rosenfeld, Chair)

Dana Ballard, U. Rochester. Parallel Form Perception.
Alex Pentland, Stanford U. Shape Perception: Shading into Texture.
Mike Kass, Schlumberger Palo Alto Research Center. Analyzing Oriented Textures.
Steve Zucker, McGill U. Grouping Phenomena.
George Sperling, NYU. Image Processing Studies of American Sign Language.

Thursday, January 17: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Categorization (George Sperling, Chair); Attention (George Sperling, Chair)

F. Gregory Ashby, Ohio State U. Similarity, Recognition, and Classification.
Rob Nosofsky, Indiana U. A Similarity-Scaling Model for Identification and Classification.
Liz Fried, U. Michigan. A Distributional Approach to Category Learning.
Greg Murphy, Brown U. Constraints on Concepts.
William Hirst, Princeton U. Characterizing Attentional Resources.
Bill Prinzmetal, Princeton U. Attention and Visual Feature Integration.

Friday, January 18: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Memory (Geoffrey Loftus, Chair)

Richard Block, Montana State U. Time and Context in Memory.
Geoff Loftus, U. Washington. Evaluating Forgetting Curves.
Roger Ratcliff, Northwestern U. Time Course of Memory Retrieval.
Janet Metcalfe, U. British Columbia. A Holographic Associative Memory Model.
James Anderson, Brown U. Semantic Networks and Concepts in Parallel Systems.
Ben Murdock, U. Toronto. Distributed Memory Models.
Walter Kintsch, U. Colorado. Sentence Memory.


Karen Berkley, Florida State U.
Mark Berkley, Florida State U.
Don Glazer, UC Berkeley
Sharon Greene, Bell Com, Morristown, NJ
Eric Heinemann, CUNY
Ed Levine, Princeton U.
Clark Leavitt, Ohio State U.
Gail McKoon, Northwestern U.
Janice Keenan, U. Denver
Richard Krinsky, U. So. Colorado
Ann Murdock, U. Toronto
Tom Nelson, U. Washington
Renate Roske-Hofstrand, NASA/New Mexico State U.
Rich Shiffrin, U. Indiana
Douglas Williams, U. British Columbia