Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
January 24 - January 29, 1982
Organizers: Richard Shiffrin and George Sperling


Sunday, January 24: 7:00 pm *** Reception *** Rimrock Room

Monday, January 25: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Social Cognition I (Jim Sherman, Chairperson)

Tom Srull, U. Illinois. Introductory Remarks.
Tom Ostrom, Ohio State U. Categorical Organization of Social Information.
John Lingle, Rutgers U. Categorical vs. Event Memory in Impression Formation.
Tory Higgins, NYU. Person Perception: Active and Passive Processing.
Tony Greenwald, Ohio State U. Self and Memory.
Bruce Brown, BYU. A Catastrophe Theory of Voice Perception.

Tuesday, January 26: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Social Cognition II (Tony Greenwald, Chairperson)

Russell Fazio, Indiana U. Process Models of Attitude-Behavior Relations.
Jim Sherman, Indiana U. Explaining Hypothetical Future Events.
Reid Hastie, Northwestern U. Memory and Decision Making.
Gary Wells, U. Alberta. Juror Judgments of Eyewitness Testimony: Naive Theories of Memory.
Adam Drewnowski, Rockefeller U. Cognition Structure in Obesity and Dieting.

Wednesday, January 27: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Picture Memory and Visual Perception (Geoff Loftus, Chairperson)

John Krauskopf, Bell Labs. Cardinal Directions in Color Spaces.
Bob Weber, Oklahoma State U. Mental Rotation vs. Mind's-Eye Transformation.
Gail Goodman, U. Colorado. Inspecting and Remembering Actions.
Geoff Loftus, U. Washington. Very Short-Term Visual Memory.
Helene Intraub, U. Delaware. Identifying and Remembering Successively Presented Pictures (with film).
John Vaughn, U. Oregon. Control of Fixation Duration in Search.

Thursday, January 28: 4:00 - 8:00 pm I. Nerves and Animals II. Words, Speech and Language (George Sperling, Chairperson)

Stephen Grossberg, Boston U. Processing of Expected and Unexpected Events.
Adam Reed, Bell Labs. Basket Cells and Time-Domain Memory.
Peter Killeen, Arizona State U. Superstitution: Bias, Not Detectability.
Scott Paris, U. Michigan. Metacognition and Reading Comprehension.
Ovid Tzeng, UC Riverside. Two Types of Speech Recoding.

Friday, January 29: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Information Processing and Memory (Richard Shiffrin, Chairperson)

Doug Herrmann, Hamilton College. Linguistic Criteria in Comprehension.
Richard Shiffrin, Indiana U. Recognition and Recall.
Tom Nelson, U. Washington. Feelings of Knowing.

** Brief Business Meeting **

George Sperling, NYU. Visual Attention.
Peggy Intons-Peterson, Indiana U. Imagery.
Bill Johnston, U. Utah. Perceptual and/or Attentional Spaces.